Thursday, January 19, 2012

New Items

Hi - I have added 3 new sections to my Blog.  They can be found on the left side of the page. 

  • Whats on my Nook - books I am currently reading and a link to the author's website.
  • My Cricut Carts - a list of all my Cricut Carts. 
  • My Spellbinders - a list of all my Spellbinder Cut*Emboss*Stencils.

For anyone living close to me you are welcome to borrow any Carts or Spellbinders. I will update the list as I purchase additional items.

Be on the lookout for the next new section - CuttleBug Embossing Folders.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

2012 Tool Time Tuesday #2

Happy Tuesday - Today's post is a continuation of last weeks Tool Time Tuesday.  More "cheap and cheerful" ideas. 

Turn your muffin pan upside down, bake cookie-dough
Over the top and voila, you have cookie bowls for fruit
Or ice-cream.

Store shoes inside shower caps to stop dirty
Soles rubbing on your clothes. And you can
Find them in just about every hotel.

Find tiny lost items like earrings by putting a
Stocking over the vacuum hose.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Become a Follower and Comment

It is easy to become a Follower of "A Red Bike and Khaki Shorts".

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Once you are a Follower you have the ability to post comments.

  1. Click on "# comments" link below the post
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All are welcome to become Followers and post Comments.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Be Smarter then the Average Bear - Picnik

Take it from Yogy Bear and Boo-Boo a Picnik is always a good idea.

Found this great site called Picnik. Just upload your favorite photo or one you are not to crazy about and edit away.  Many options including Text, Stickers and Frames (see example below) can be found on Picnik.  I started out with the free version and now have upgraded to the premium version ($24.95 a year). They have monthly and 6 months options also. Example below was all done with items offered with the free version. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Today is the 1st Tool Time Tuesday of 2012. I received an e-mail from my friend Sandy that shows "cheap and cheerful" ideas to make life easier and wanted to share some.  Enjoy and check back next week for more ideas.

Hull strawberries easily using a straw.

Pump up the volume by placing your iPhone & iPod
In a bowl. The concave shape amplifies the music.

Use wire to make a space to store gift wrap rolls
Against the ceiling, rather than cluttering up the