Today is the 1st Tool Time Tuesday on A Red Bike and Khaki Shorts. The plan is to profile a great tool each week. These tools maybe for Crafting, Gardening, Organizing or just for LIFE in general. If you have a favorite tool that you cannot live without please share. Tune in every Tuesday and Enjoy.
Curling/Flat Iron
Now those who know me well will tell you that spending a lot of time on my hair is just not my thing. So you may ask: What is she doing with a Curling/Flat Iron? Every now and then I think to myself “Self you should do something different with your hair”. By now I should know better and just stop myself when these thought enter my mind. They never amount to much. In this case my new Curling/Flat Iron did not last long in the bathroom so it moved to my craft room.
It all started years ago when my Mom was unpacking the Christmas decorations and the fancy bows she used to decorate were “flattened”. Not the look she was going for. As was expected, my Mom came up with a bright idea! Use a curling iron to fluff the bows back into their original shape. It worked like a charm.
To be Green I save ribbon that comes with different packaging. Fancy dips and store packaging, presents, just to name a few. The only problem when you untie them they are so wrinkled….like the linen skirt that was so pretty when you put it on fresh from the dry cleaner but when you get out the car to go into the office…. You know the rest. That is where the Curling/Flat Iron comes handy. Just plug it in, let it heat up and run the ribbon through the barrel. Below is a photo of two different ribbons – the blue was run through the curling iron and the green was run through the flat iron to show that each works the same.
**WARNING** The Curling/Flat Iron is HOT !!!!!!!!! Watch you finger tips.
I use my saved gift ribbons as bookmarkers and affix one end of the ribbon to the inside spine of the book with glue works very well, especially for my gardening and home decor reference books!